Blog Posts

Tale of a Tail on the Gunflint Trail

July 4, 2024

For anyone who knows me, my closest friend these days is a retired Alaskan husky dog named Chacha.

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Gunflint Trail

June 21, 2024

Hello from the end of the Gunflint Trail!

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Mother's Day

May 17, 2024

Happy belated Mother’s Day!

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The Sacred Among Us

April 22, 2024

To contemplate again on national poetry month, I turn to the words of Father Richard Rohr. “We first need to experience ‘a lump in the throat’ to have encountered the sacred”.

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Poetry Month

April 8, 2024

In addition to the April showers that bring May flowers, it’s also National Poetry Month!

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March 25, 2024

I’ve been thinking about beauty a lot these days and the need for it in our lives.

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Publishing Stats and Banning Books

March 11, 2024

As Sofie and I have just published our first book, I thought it would be interesting to think about this generally accepted statistic from and other writing websites. They state: Within the book publishing industry, it is agreed that the odds of an author getting their work published stands between 1% and 2%.

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Creative Collaboration with My Child

February 26, 2024

When I tell people that my daughter and I created a book together, I’m usually met with lots of “Awwwwws,” and then, from other mothers of adult daughters, that look and question, “So, how did that go?” Meaning, whew, that must have been some baggage to work through!

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Why Haiku

February 12, 2024

The question has come up a number of times, so I thought a good first blog post for this website would be to talk about haiku.

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